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Gaëtan Bloom

Gaëtan Bloom

Gaëtan Bloom is a French magician and creator.

He started to be interested in magic at the age of 8, and has never done anything else since, but he also became an international actor and comedian. When he's not performing in a theater or a movie, he invents small miracles for his magician friends and gives lectures all over the world.

For magicians, he has published a book and a number of lecture notes with innovative effects, including "Intercessor", a remarkable torn corner effect and "Escalator", an ambitious card that is surprisingly visible.

He is one of the best known and most award-winning magicians in the world (including a Special Creativity Award for his career at the World Championships). After the Crazy Horse (more than 4000 performances), Hollywood, Las Vegas, Tokyo, Monte Carlo, Sydney, Berlin... he is today one of the pillars of the theater "Le Double Fond", in which he performs solo or with his friends.

Présentation Benoît Rosemont

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