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  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    David Stone explains the following tricks: "Mirage", "Glass and Bottle Production", "Easy Splash" and “Card to Foot - Tool”. We suggest you go and look at the French video, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy: - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - the trick Splash Bottle 2.0 click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    In the first part of the “Happy Lecture”, you can watch the performance part of the lecture; the tricks will be explained in subsequent videos. We suggest you go and look at the French video, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    David Stone explains the following tricks: "Paperboard", and “Splash Streamer ”. We suggest you go and look at the French part of this publication, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. You can buy the trick Splash Bottle 2.0 click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    David Stone explains the following tricks: "Carbonier" (Torn and restored Card). We suggest you go and look at the French part of this publication, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    In 30 years, more than 80 shows have been created at the Double Fond and nearly 400,000 spectators have come to this tiny venue. Here you can discover the beginning from one of Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier's shows. Sweet memories that these moments shared all together to build, little by little, a legendary duo!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    Dominique Duvivier organized an exceptional convention in 1995: The Mayette Days. He invited some of the greatest magicians of the time. Here are some excerpts, divided into three parts: Part One: Alexandra Duvivier, Dominique Duvivier, Quoc Tien Tran, Jean-Pierre Crispon Part Two: Gaetan Bloom Part Three: Gaetan Bloom, Gary Kurtz, Derek Dingle Not to be missed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    In 30 years, more than 80 shows have been created at the Double Fond and nearly 400,000 spectators have come to this tiny venue. Here you can discover excerpts from one of Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier's shows, filmed in 2004, when our theater celebrated its 16th anniversary. Sweet memories that these moments shared all together to build, little by little, a legendary duo! In this video, you will have the chance to see (or see again) Dominique Duvivier's famous homage to Michel Polnareff and one of the most famous two-handed acts of the Duvivier duo: Naomi  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Meet the Duviviers, father and daughter, in complete complicity and at the top of their art, in a particularly interactive and fooling show on the theme of gambling. In the purest tradition of the Double Fond, discover a magical comedy conducted at full speed with very, very close-up magic! "Magic. Literally. The audience is won over. " Le Parisien "(...) it's happening right in front of our eyes and we can't see anything" France 2 - 1pm news "  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    It's time for you to go downstairs to the mythical Double Fond venue to discover the first part of one of the most successful shows in our theater: "Le hasard, c'est moi" with Dominique Duvivier. Laughter at every moment, a profusion of miracles just a few centimeters from your eyes, all in an unbridled rhythm: you will find a Duvivier at the top of his art, in all intimacy...

    "One of the leading figures of the close up, this magic of proximity that drives the spectators crazy! "Le Figaro "Duvivier is one of the greatest magicians: a master of the close up " France Soir

    Video editing by David Nguyen  

  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    Among all the traditions of the Double Fond, there is one that is very important to us: the shows in which the entire troupe participates. You will discover here the beginning of the show " Ouketi Ouketi " created in 2015, entirely written on the theme of the three-card monte and in which, therefore, the whole team participated: you will see here Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier, Quoc Tien Tran, Adeline Galland, Sophie Nguyen, Jean-Pierre Crispon, Philippe de Perthuis and Cédric Reimon.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A very rare archive: you will discover a magnificent coin act with music by Dominique Duvivier! Years later, customers still tell us about it!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    In the early 2000's, Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier performed an eclectic show: cards, coins, cups and balls, ropes, close-up, parlour magic, and even a grand illusion! Here is the show from June 19, 2002, which we offer you in 5 episodes. Not to be missed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Le Double Fond opened its doors on June 1st 1988. This exceptional archive allows you to discover Dominique Duvivier in this run-through of one his shows (recorded on October 5, 1989). These extracts have been split into four parts. Not to be missed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    1970 was a special year for Dominique Duvivier in many ways: it was the year he turned 20, it was the year the Beatles (one of his favorite musical groups) broke up, and it was the year the famous Jerry's Nugget cards (his favorite cards) were manufactured. With these inspirations, Dominique Duvivier concocted a wonderful routine based on "Ace Assembly", with a scenario taking all these elements into account. A real gem! To buy a “Jerry’s Nugget (Modern Feel) Deck” click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Le Double Fond opened its doors on June 1st 1988. This exceptional archive allows you to discover Dominique Duvivier and Gaetan Bloom in one of their first shows in those days; this show was split into five parts. Not to be missed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Pairs of cards are assembled according to the instructions of different members of the audience. The audience's options and choices are completely free. Despite these crazy conditions, the two cards making up each pair turn out to be identical! The trick was shot live at the Double Fond.  
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