Included In The Subscription "Beginner"The magician borrows a ring, and a shoelace is handed out for examination. The two objects are well separated, and covered with a handkerchief; the two ends of the shoelace are always in full view. Despite these extreme laboratory conditions, the ring is mysteriously threaded onto the shoelace! A true miracle! To buy the trick “Mechanic’s Nut” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone proposes the following tricks: « Card in Spectator’s Mouth », and « Ring in Tennis Ball ». We suggest you go and look at the French part of this publication, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"The magician takes out nine cards: three jacks, three queens and three kings and alternates them, jack, queen and king. They are put back on the deck. With a wave of the magic wand, the couples are instantly separate: all the jacks are reunited, all the queens and all the kings. It's amazing! To buy a regular deck of cards click here.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"Basic technique: named after its inventor, Elmer Biddle, this count allows you to count 4 cards, but secretly extract one of them. At the end of the count, spectators will think you've still got four cards in your hand, when in truth you've only got three - the fourth is hidden under the deck. A maelstrom of effects that will leave your audience completely stunned! To buy a regular deck of cards click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone proposes the following tricks: « Split », « The Wig » and « Hologram ». We suggest you go and look at the French part of this publication, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy: - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - the Hologram trick click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone proposes the following tricks: « Double Zenith », « Card to Wallet », « Card to Balloon » and « Card to Watch ». We suggest you go and look at the French part of this publication, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy: - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - a gaffed wallet click here. - the trick Zenith click here.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"This extract from the DVD “L'Ecole des Cartes - Volume 1” is Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier's presentation of the program.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"Four pieces of bottle cork magically travel one by one through the table. A superb trick, ideal for the end of a meal!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone explains the following tricks: "Mirage", "Glass and Bottle Production", "Easy Splash" and “Card to Foot - Tool”. We suggest you go and look at the French video, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy: - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - the trick Splash Bottle 2.0 click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The spectator shuffles the deck and thinks of a card under absolute laboratory conditions. The magician puts one card in his pocket. The card is named, the magician takes the card out of his pocket: it's the one! An absolute miracle! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"In the first part of the “Happy Lecture”, you can watch the performance part of the lecture; the tricks will be explained in subsequent videos. We suggest you go and look at the French video, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone proposes the following tricks: « Splash », « Wallet » and « Double Zenith ». We suggest you go and look at the French part of this publication, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy: - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - the trick Splash Bottle 2.0 click here. - the trick Zenith click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone explains the following tricks: "Prediction", “M-Case”, “Wet and Restored” and “Splash Bag”. We suggest you go and look at the French part of this publication, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy: - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - the trick Splash Bottle 2.0 click here. - the trick M-Case click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone explains the following tricks: "Paperboard", and “Splash Streamer ”. We suggest you go and look at the French part of this publication, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. You can buy the trick Splash Bottle 2.0 click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone explains the following tricks: "Carbonier" (Torn and restored Card). We suggest you go and look at the French part of this publication, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Larry Jennings reminisces about his magical life: how he became interested in magic, his previous visit to France, how he is perceived in the USA, and his relationship with his friend of 30 years Dai Vernon.