Latest creations
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A very clean Ace Assembly routine. The four Aces are laid out on the table in a row, with three indifferent cards placed on top of each Ace. The first three Aces disappear from their respective packets and collect in the last packet. Neat and tidy! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The deck is shuffled and examined by the spectator. He secretly determines a number of cards, as well as one card from among the 52. The magician has no information concerning these two choices, and yet he will discover them! Success guaranteed! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click on the following link:
Included In The Subscription "Addict"Several cards chosen by a spectator are mysteriously teleported, one by one, from the deck onto the table! Each time, the card is clearly shown in the middle of the deck, then without any suspicious additional gesture, we see that it is no longer there, but appears on the table! Terribly baffling.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"Before anything else, the magician takes a card that he does not show, and places it face down on the table. This card will always remain in view. It is a card that has nothing to do with a card trick, but it is a card that can "predict the future". A second card is taken out and signed by a spectator; this card, let's say it's the 4 of Hearts, is lost in the deck. A succession of magical effects follows: the magician finds the Aces one by one; then the Aces turn into Kings; then the cards travel, transpose themselves; the deck that has been copiously shuffled during the trick is now arranged in four of a kind in descending order: first the four Aces, followed by the four Kings, then Queens... to finish with the four Deuces. But there are only three fours? Yes, the 4 of Hearts is missing, which is the card signed by the spectator... but where is it? Surprise, when the magician turns the card that "predicts the future", the one that has been placed face down since the beginning of the trick, and that has never been touched... it is the signed card!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"You probably know the "Chicago opener". Here is a new version that goes even further! You have a deck of cards with red backs and a single card with blue backs. One card is freely chosen. Unbelievable, but true: it is THE blue-backed card! Then the deck changes: all the backs have turned blue! Finally another card is chosen and it too changes back several times. Don't miss this routine that will fascinate you and the audience. A real marvel!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A wonderful routine! A red deck is shuffled and four cards are freely selected. Incredibly, they are the four aces! But that's not all: the entire deck is transformed under impossible conditions! We hesitate to tell you the end because it is so surprising: the deck becomes multicolored. The backs are all different! You have to see it to believe it!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A "Tsunami" of madness, based on a trick by Larry Jennings. A card is freely thought of and then lost in the deck under "laboratory conditions". The magician even has his back turned during all these operations!
Without asking any questions, the magician names the chosen card. The climax is incredible: the chosen card is the only printed card in the deck; all the other 51 cards are blank on both sides! Everything is given out for examination.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"By deduction, thanks to his intuition, the magician tries to find the chosen card of the spectator. He doesn't succeed at all; but what he does is much stronger!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Like Dustin Hoffman in "Rain Man", you want to show your exceptional instant memorization skills. After thoroughly shuffling your deck of cards, you announce that you have memorized the position of the red and black cards; but in demonstrating this, you fail miserably! But surprise, you say that half of the cards are red-backed, and the other half are black-backed; and that in truth, the cards have been sorted by their backs!!!