Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A totally atypical trick. It is a "Bloomerie" in all its splendor! The magician shows an opaque jar, filled with a beverage. He pours a large part of it into a glass. A straw is placed in each of these two containers. The magician and the spectator drink a quantity of liquid on their own, one without the knowledge of the other. The magician clearly shows that he had planned in advance the amount of liquid that each one drank! Here's to you!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"A card is chosen in a neat way. The magician finds the name of the chosen card in two steps: first its suit, then its value! After explaining Ramon Rioboo's original trick, Howard Hamburg shares with us the personal touch he put on this effect.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"All choices are made by the spectator in a clear and unambiguous manner. The spectator determines a "virtual" card and a number. The cards are dealt one by one and when the number is reached... the card has now become "real"! The trick is completely automatic. Great Max Maven!
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"A TOTALLY automatic trick, with just a paper and a pen. A number is determined by a spectator following a neat and tidy protocol. However, this number was predicted in advance!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"I loved the clear swap bag that Jeff Busby sold, but it was pretty fragile... I've adapted a lot of things with this box, which, because of its easy design, allows a lot of tricks... There is especially an instantaneous memory routine, made really easy thanks to the box... Other easier routines are also puzzling... and it's so funny to shuffle the cards by shaking the box !!!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"With a simple deck of cards, you'll work miracles! Discover this process, easy to learn and yet particularly devastating. To discover or revisit urgently for the mentalist that you are!
Included In The Subscription "Addict""Nervous Breakdown" effect with a regular card holder, and everything is handed out for examination at the end! A card is chosen under extreme laboratory conditions. The magician proves in many ways that he had predicted this card in advance. A real miracle!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"A Tsunami of madness. A card is chosen under completely impossible conditions. And yet, the magician reveals the card with 100% success (which was not completely the case with the original Bob Farmer trick). Success guaranteed!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"The spectator freely determines a card by drawing a picture of it. While the conditions of the choices are perfectly clear, the chosen card ends up being the only face up card among all the face down cards!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"You buy a deck of cards and on opening it, you notice that it is defective: instead of having a back and a face, each card has a face on both sides! Instead of throwing it away, here is THE solution to make good use of it... and perform a real miracle!
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"The cards are spread out higgledy-piggledy on the table, face down. The magician names a card, and the spectator must touch the back of a card, the bet being that it must be the right one. For good measure, the process is repeated two more times by the spectator and the magician. The three cards are shown: they are the right ones! Easy to do, huge effect!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Do you like mentalism? Then it's impossible to miss a Book Test effect. Here I give you the secret of a version with an ordinary book, which is as bluffing as it is simple to realize. Moreover you can adapt it to many situations. In short, don't wait any longer to find out more!
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"With a normal deck of cards you are able to guess which card is facing the spectator (i.e. without seeing it). You can achieve this effect several times thanks to your psychic powers! To do and to do again without moderation.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"A card is chosen from a regular deck and then found under impossible conditions. Discover quickly a new secret method and how to perform the Peek technique invisibly. It's so ingenious !
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"If you liked "Repeating Divination" you will also like this effect. You can name the bottom card of the deck, which is facing the spectator, while you can't see anything! It's very impressive and easy to do.