Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Under the pretext of learning to juggle, the magician makes five coins appear one by one, only to find that he's stuck with magic rather than juggling. To buy some half dollars click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"One of the favorite themes of magicians. You put four coins under four cards arranged in the four corners of your magician's mat. In a totally incomprehensible way, the coins gather together one by one in one of the corners. It's wonderful! To buy: - a regular deck of cards click here. - some half dollars click here. A voir aussi : - a close-up mat click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician displays three half-dollars and one Chinese coin. The latter is a particularly charismatic coin, not only because of its eye-catching appearance, but also because of its ability to draw the other coins towards it! To buy: - a Chinese Coin dollar size click here. - some regular half dollars click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Four coins travel one by one from the magician's hand into a glass held in his other hand. To buy some regular half dollars click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician displays a “ Pickpocket”, a coin that has the exclusive property of being able to steal other coins one by one! To buy: - a Chinese Coin dollar size click here. - some regular half dollars click here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"Allan Ackerman's handling of Jules DeBarros' Coins of Ishtar from 1971. Three half-dollars and three English pennies are clearly shown on both sides, and checked by a spectator. The three half-dollars placed in one of his hands, and the three pennies placed in the other, will travel simultaneously one by one from one side to the other
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Learn how to lead an introduction to magic with a few simple tricks for beginners. An opportunity for them to take their first steps in this fascinating field! Olivier Bridard and Jean-Pierre Crispon have put together a collection of tricks designed for this purpose. These workshops are presented in 20 episodes
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Enter the wonderful world of this expert and great magician. Paul Dassonville lectured at the Double Fond on February 15, 1999, which you can enjoy in seven parts. You will discover a fabulous artist, who will share with you extraordinary secrets: Cigarettes, thimbles, lighters, coins, your own fingers, cards, rope and even Rocky Raccoon!
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"How the leader of a gang of thieves can con his accomplice out of a share of the loot: maximum money for him, minimum for his accomplice. To buy some regular half-dollar coins click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Classic coin magic with a Bloom twist! Coins, placed on a tray and poured into a spectator's hand, multiply. A true miracle!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"3 copper coins in the right hand will escape ONE BY ONE to join 3 Chinese coins in the left hand. Both palms will be open at each trip... which is perfectly impossible! An extraordinary principle will allow you to create this completely brilliant illusion. And on top of that... it's EASY to do!!! Even NO GIMMICK! A dream for you and your audience.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Are you interested in the magic of coins? Here's a move you absolutely have to master! It will require a little practice but will allow you to perform miracles under the nose of your spectators, with regular coins. The principle: give the illusion that you are putting a coin in your hand, when it is not the case. A great classic of magic! To buy a regular Half-Dollar click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magic wand has never been so aptly named! It transforms itself into a coin,makes it appear, disappear and change many times over... a coin symphony to great effect! To buy: - a mini magic wand click here. - a half dollar coin click here. - a Chinese coin (dollar size) click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magic of sound! Four coins travel one by one through space to appear visually and... "audibly" in a glass!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician shows four half-dollars. The first two coins pass through his hand, one by one, and end up on the back of his hand, closed into a fist. The last two coins travel mysteriously from one hand to the other, joining the first two coins. To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Dominique Duvivier demonstrates a new Eddy Taytelbaum wonder (no explanation). A coin passes through a small Plexiglas plate.