Freddy Fah
Freddy Fah (1925-1998), born Robert Woolley, was one of the leading French magicians of his day. He appeared mainly in variety programs and performed in the world's greatest cabarets. He presented effects as varied as the Linking Rings, the Torn and Restored Newspaper, rope routines, silk routines (Soft Soap, the Sympathetic Silks, and his finale where he produced a multitude of silks from his Magic Tambourine). All his effects were performed brilliantly. He always added a personal touch to each of his tricks, making them more visual and more magical. He was class personified, combining gestures, timing, ease, elegance... In Europe in the 1950s, Balloon Modelling acts began to become fashionable; Freddy Fah was one of the main instigators, appearing under the name of Crack Banger. He was friends with all the great magicians of the day: Frank Garcia, Fred Kaps, Brother John Hamman, Philippe Fialho, Danny Ray, Ken Brooke... He was a mentor to magicians such as Dominique Duvivier, Gaetan Bloom...