Howard Hamburg
Howard Hamburg is American. He is a legend in magic. Known to be particularly secretive, it is now that he shares more than 60 years of magic experience. He experienced the Golden Age of the Magic Castle in Hollywood and was a close personal friend with Dai Vernon, Charlie Miller, Michael Skinner, Jimmy Grippo, Johnny Thompson and numerous others. He has a wealth of knowledge and recently told us :
« I have always been immersed in magic. At 30 years of age, my friend Ray Grismer introduced me to Dai Vernon (Ray was a school teacher and also played jazz piano. He had taught piano to Dai Vernon and in return Dai Vernon had taught him magic.). Fortunately for me The Professor took a liking to me and we were close friends for 22 years. I was taken to the Magic Castle for the first time in 1965 by my dearest friend Tony Giorgio who, in my opinion, was the best card mucker I had ever seen and he was also a very good dice worker. He introduced me to Charlie Miller who I became close friends with for 25 years. Magician friends ask me what magic means to me and I always respond : "Friendships and Memories."
." I have always been an underground magician who is very passionate about the art of magic. My primary goal is to ensure that the present generation of magicians never forget standing on the shoulders of the giants of magic who gave them the tools they use today. »
« I have always been immersed in magic. At 30 years of age, my friend Ray Grismer introduced me to Dai Vernon (Ray was a school teacher and also played jazz piano. He had taught piano to Dai Vernon and in return Dai Vernon had taught him magic.). Fortunately for me The Professor took a liking to me and we were close friends for 22 years. I was taken to the Magic Castle for the first time in 1965 by my dearest friend Tony Giorgio who, in my opinion, was the best card mucker I had ever seen and he was also a very good dice worker. He introduced me to Charlie Miller who I became close friends with for 25 years. Magician friends ask me what magic means to me and I always respond : "Friendships and Memories."
." I have always been an underground magician who is very passionate about the art of magic. My primary goal is to ensure that the present generation of magicians never forget standing on the shoulders of the giants of magic who gave them the tools they use today. »