Ace tricks
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician draws four cards at random from the deck, and instantly transforms them into the four Aces! Simple, neat, but devilishly effective! To buy a regular deck click here.Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The spectator chooses a card, which is lost in the deck. A magic pass, and a card mysteriously turns up face up in the center of the deck; but against all odds, it is not the one chosen by the spectator: it is the 5 of Hearts. The magician then counts the cards one by one from the 5, and the fifth one turns out to be... the chosen card. The four cards that were counted to get to the 5 of Hearts are turned face up... they're the four Aces! And as the icing on the cake, the magician shows that he couldn't have done it any other way, since the other cards in the deck are shown: they're all blank! A completely automatic trick, but devilishly effective! To buy: - a regular deck of cards click here. - a blank face deck of cards click here.Included In The Subscription "Addict"A superb Ace routine specially designed by Markobi for Double Fond TV! A four of a kind transforms into another one, and then back to the first. To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.Included In The Subscription "Addict"An “Ace Leader” routine unlike any other since the Aces are represented by four 8 of Spades, and the indifferent cards by Jokers. The 8s join the "8 Leader" one by one, and at the end, the four 8 of Spades transform into four Aces, thus fully justifying the name of the trick as "Ace Leader"!Included In The Subscription "Addict"A direct Ace Assembly... with a surprising climax! The four aces are displayed in a row on the table. Three indifferent cards are shown, and placed on top of the Leader Ace. Instantly, the Aces are shown to have gathered together with this leader Ace... and when these Aces are displayed on the table, a King is revealed... the other three cards are then turned face up to reveal a four of a kind in Kings: there are no more Aces, nor any other cards! And the icing on the cake is that these four kings are instantly transformed back into four aces! Everything is handed out for examination... a true miracle! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.Included In The Subscription "Addict"The magician shows the four Aces, and twelve indifferent cards (which are the 12 court cards of the deck, to make the contrast as clear as possible). The cards are arranged in four packets: one Ace under each packet, three indifferent cards on top. The Aces magically pass one by one into the leader packet. Each time, the packets of four cards are shown clearly: no extra cards, no missing cards. The trick is completely clean at every stage of the routine. This is as close to perfection as you can get!Included In The Subscription "Passionate"To begin with, the magician proposes an experiment with playing cards that brings together all the main families of mentalism: - Telepathy: communication at a distance by thought, - Clairvoyance: knowledge of things by means other than the five senses, - Precognition: forecasting of future events that cannot be deduced from knowledge of the present (prediction), - Telekinesis: influence of the mind on matter. Then, after these disturbing experiences, he offers to reassure you with a classic Ace leader trick. To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A great classic of magic from Dominique Duvivier. The magician takes the four Aces and the four eights. All cards are signed. The four Aces are placed in four different pockets; the four eights remain on the table. In the blink of an eye, the cards change places: the four Aces are now on the table, and the four eights are extracted one by one from the different pockets. No palming! A real miracle! To buy a regular deck of cards click here.Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician explains the difference between magicians and gamblers: they don't use the same techniques, they don't have the same goals... He illustrates his point by showing how gamblers can lose the four Aces one by one in different, progressive ways, and how magicians find them again one by one! Success guaranteed! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A classic card magic trick. The four Aces are lost one by one in laboratory conditions. One by one, they are found! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.Included In The Subscription "Passionate"On the pretext of demonstrating various types of shuffles, the magician makes the four Aces appear almost instantly! To buy a regular deck of cards click here.Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician shows the four Aces. He places the two black Aces on the table, and keeps the two red Aces in his hands. Mysteriously, the cards change places! Indeed, it was very fast; the magician agrees to repeat the effect… but it remains incomprehensible to the spectators. The magician then agrees to explain the trick… but in the end, he ends up fooling them once again! Success guaranteed!Included In The Subscription "Passionate"From a shuffled deck, a spectator first selects one card, then a series of three cards. The first card, the Leader card, is turned over... and it's the Ace of Spades. The other three cards are turned over... but they're three Kings! Never mind, the magician transforms the Ace of Spades into a King of Spades, but when he turns over the three kings, they are now Aces... and the King of Spades becomes an Ace of Spades! As a climax, the four Aces transform into Kings, and the Aces end up face-up in the middle of the deck! A maelstrom of effects that will leave your audience completely stunned! To buy a regular deck of cards click here.Included In The Subscription "Addict"The magician shows four cards: it's a four of a kind in twos, but each card has a different colored back. A magic pass, and all the cards now have the same back! Everything is handed out for examination.Included In The Subscription "Addict"A ++ version of the trick : Approximately how many? Some cards are ribbon spread on the table. A spectator is invited to guess exactly how many cards there are: there seem to be more than twenty. The cards are turned over: there are only four cards, which are the four Kings... which instantly metamorphose into the Aces! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.Included In The Subscription "Addict"A classic piece of card magic! After making them appear, the four Aces are clearly introduced in different parts of the deck. The cards are shuffled in all directions, face up and face down. First effect: the magician instantly forms four small piles, each with an Ace on its face! Second effect: the remaining cards are ribbon spread on the table... all the cards are now face down! Third effect: the piles containing the Aces on the face are spread out, revealing the four royal flushes! And fourth effect, the icing on the cake: the magician shows that the remaining cards are now separated into red cards on one side, and black cards on the other side! Success guaranteed! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.