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  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    A three-card monte that will tear you apart mentally! A spectator is asked to choose one card from three that are displayed to him. No forcing, no influence. The card is chosen completely freely. Despite these laboratory conditions, the magician will prove in a clear and unequivocal way that he had predicted in advance the card that was chosen! A real killer! To buy the trick “Mental Three Card Monte” click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    This video is a live demonstration of this trick that has already been published on Double Fond TV. From a previously shuffled deck, the magician finds the Aces, one by one, in the order he wants! This version was invented by Dominique Duvivier after Fernando Kheops showed him the effect without explaining it to him. For those who would linger on the explanation... yes, yes! It is encouraged! ... They will discover, to their great astonishment, that there is not really any trickery! Crazy, right? We let you judge...  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    An impromptu card trick, quick, easy to do, but still baffling! Several variations of this classic trick are explained on this platform. This is Marlo/Dominique Duvivier’s version. To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    An impromptu card trick, quick, easy to do, but still baffling! Several variations of this classic trick are explained on this platform. This is Dominique Duvivier’s version. To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    An impromptu card trick, quick, easy to do, but still baffling! Several variations of this classic trick are explained on this platform. This version is Larry Jennings’ one. To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click on the following link:  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A variation of "The 3 bets, based on Bob Farmer" already broadcast on our streaming platform. A Tsunami of madness. A card is chosen under completely impossible conditions. And yet, the magician finds the card with 100% success. Success guaranteed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A Tsunami of madness. A card is chosen under completely impossible conditions. And yet, the magician reveals the card with 100% success (which was not completely the case with the original Bob Farmer trick). Success guaranteed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    Tsunami : mot japonais qui signifie "raz de marée". C'est un tour qui va dévaster le cerveau de vos spectateurs, qu'ils soient aussi bien profanes que magiciens. Ce Tsunami a été montré à Dominique Duvivier par Brother John Hamman. Le tour est impromptu; une carte est choisie et perdue dans des conditions impossibles. Et pourtant, le magicien va la retrouver ! Un véritable miracle !  
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