All videos from the subscription "I am an apprentice"
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"Every great artist has his truth... Before understanding the secret of his magical art, discover Ali Bongo in this presentation video which will allow you to learn more about him and his specialty.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"How to levitate a magic wand, a pencil or a pen, a table knife, a straw, etc... without any additional accessories! An easy to do magic trick, in completely impromptu conditions! To buy a “Magic Wand” click on the following link:
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"A second method to levitate a magic wand, a pencil or a pen, a table knife, a straw, etc... without any additional accessories! The first method is described on this platform as "Levitation Wand #1". An easy to do magic trick, in completely impromptu conditions! To buy a “Magic Wand” click on the following link:
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"How to win a bet in a fun way, with a matchbox and a coin!
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"Every great artist has his truth... Before understanding the secret of his magical art, discover Patrick Page in this presentation video which will allow you to learn more about him and his specialty
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"This routine is a "Mini Ambitious Card". A chosen card, lost in the deck, rises to the top of the deck twice in a row. Easy, but effective! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"Every great artist has his truth... Before understanding the secret of his magical art, discover Quoc Tien Tran in this presentation video which will allow you to learn more about him and his magic.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"This excerpt from the DVD " The School of Objects - Vol #2 " is the introduction of Gaetan Bloom by Alexandra and Dominique Duvivier.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"A book test with a regular book. And the icing on the cake is that you can guess the card that was chosen by the spectator, and that allowed him to choose the page of the book! A book test with the "Bloom Touch"! This trick is extracted from the DVD " School of Objects - Vol 2 " that you can buy in click here.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"A third method to levitate a magic wand, a pencil or a pen, a table knife, a straw, etc... without any additional accessories! The first method is described on this platform as "Levitation Wand #1". The second method is described on this platform as "Levitation Wand #2". An easy to do magic trick, in completely impromptu conditions! To buy a “Magic Wand” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"The spectator chooses a card that no one, not even him, looks at; this card is set aside. The spectator now cuts the deck where he wants, and three piles of cards are made up from the cut half. The top card of each pile is shown, these cards are for example three Kings. These cards clearly indicate that the starting card is the fourth King, which is indeed the case. It is therefore the spectator himself who has discovered his own chosen card! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"Every great artist has his truth... Before understanding the secret of his magical art, discover Jason England in this presentation video which will allow you to learn more about him and his specialty.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"An impromptu trick with everyday props that can be borrowed: two paper clips and a banknote. The two paper clips will link together in a mysterious way!
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"A trick you can ideally perform during a meal, for example. Small pieces of paper, stuck on the blade of a knife, appear and disappear at your will. A great classic of impromptu magic.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"Every great artist has his truth... Before understanding the secret of his magical art, discover Yves Doumergue in this presentation video which will allow you to learn more about him and his specialty.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"The four Kings are shown, and are very clearly placed in different parts of the deck. A magic gesture, and without doing anything more, the four Kings go back on top of the deck. Very easy to do, and very effective! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.