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All videos from the subscription "I am an apprentice"

  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    The shooting of the program “School of Magic - Volume 1” was held in a “killer“ mood. We'd like to share this nice moment with you.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    The 17 Fundamental Effects of Magic

    The 17 Fundamental Effects of Magic

    By Winston Freer

    “Precious information that can change your life, not in the ordinary sense of the word, but fundamentally: change your life. By applying a few of Freer's precepts, you'll gain access to a magic that few use because they haven't understood the power of such discoveries. May your magic grow a little richer, as we should constantly desire!”

    Dominique Duvivier

    The items described were published in the 1900s(*). A study, a plan of work involves the search for a miracle, or at least the typical miracle trick. To determine what a magician can do, we're going to make a list of the effects that science can't achieve. This is the important point.

    A miracle is a simple, well-executed fundamental effect that science can't achieve. Apparently, there are 17 of these fundamental effects that science cannot explain:
    • 1 - Production: Science rejects the idea that material can be created. Material has always been there: you can't create something out of nothing.
    • 2 - Disappearance or Destruction: You can't make something disappear without a trace of it remaining, scientifically speaking.
    • 3 - Transformations and Transformations into... Changing materials (e.g., alchemists transforming metals into gold) seems impossible without the use of energy.
    • 4 - The Shape of Materials: Changing the shape of a material without tools is humanly impossible.
    • 5 - Size Change: A thing cannot grow or shrink spontaneously.
    • 6 - Color Change: You can't change the color of an object without a chemical process.
    • 7 - Change of Temperature: It's impossible to go from hot to cold immediately.
    • 8 - Change of Position: Teleportation (moving an object effortlessly) is beyond the scope of science.
    • 9 - Change of Weight or Mass: The mass or weight of an object is unalterable according to science.
    • 10 - Magnetism: Making non-metallic objects adhere to each other without adhesives is scientifically inexplicable.
    • 11 - Levitation: Levitation contradicts Newton's laws without any visible connection.
    • 12 - Penetration: Two solids occupying the same space without damage is irrational.
    • 13 - Restoration: Effortlessly restoring a damaged object is magic.
    • 14 - Remote Control: Controlling an action from a distance is considered impossible.
    • 15 - Sympathy: An action on one object transmits its effect to another (e.g., voodoo).
    • 16 and 17 - Mentalism Effects: Include divination (finding hidden objects) and prediction (foreseeing the future).
    “A basic, visual effect with apparent movement that illustrates one of these effects can be considered a miracle. Thus, we can take classic miracles to illustrate each of our 17 points.”

    Winston Freer

    • 1 - Appearance: The appearance of writing on a slate.
    • 2 - Disappearance: The little birdcage that disappears between the hands.
    • 3 - Change of Material: The egg on the fan.
    • 4 - Transformation: The torn paper becomes a small hat.
    • 5 - Change of Size: The dice that grows (Buatier de Kolta) or the egg that shrinks.
    • 6 - Change of Color: Water becomes wine.
    • 7 - Change of Temperature: The heating ball.
    • 8 - Change of Position: The kerosene lamp disappears from one table and reappears on another.
    • 9 - Change of Weight or Mass: Robert Houdin's Box, which becomes light or heavy at will.
    • 10 - Magnetism: In the U.S., this effect is called “Sliding glue” (e.g., the pencil that holds itself).
    • 11 - Levitation: The floating ball.
    • 12 - Penetration: Linking Rings.
    • 13 - Restoration: Bjork Lunde's cut rope (see The Encyclopedia of Rope Tricks).
    • 14 - Remote Control: Rising cards.
    • 15 - Sympathy Effect: Chinese Sticks (pull one and the other pulls up).
    • 16 - Divination: Example: the sand trick.
    • 17 - Predictions: Writing on the wall.

    (*) References:

    • "The Maxam Outline of the 17 Fundamental Effects of Magic," The Linking Ring, Vol.22, No.11, January 1942, pp.38-42.
    • "Winston Freer [5]," Le Magicien, No.132, September 1993, pp.4523-4524.
    • "Winston Freer [6]," Le Magicien, No.133, December.
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    Every great artist has his truth... Before understanding the secret of his magical art, discover Markobi in this presentation video which will allow you to learn more about him and his specialties.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    Dominique Duvivier entered the Mayette Magie Magic Shop for the very first time in 1958, when he was 8 years old! He shares with us his experiences and feelings at the time... Enjoy these memories in three parts..  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    Card techniques: Dominique Duvivier explains one false cut of his own. The deck appears to be cut while it remains in its original order. To buy a regular deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    You borrow a ring and a shoelace, the most ordinary. You announce that you will be able to put the ring on the lace, without the ends leaving the viewer's sight... A scarf is placed over the middle of the lace and the ring. The magician goes under the scarf, without the ends moving. And unbelievable: the ring is tied on the shoelace! You MUST try this clever trick.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    A simple rubber band, which you place on two fingers, magically jumps on your next two fingers, without any weird move! A classic of magic. We love it!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    A safety pin, pinned on a handkerchief, is magically moved on it without damaging it! Crazy! We love this kind of magic trick that can be done with stuff that everyone has at home.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    A very cute routine to entertain your friends, while fooling them! The spectator thinks he has understood how your trick works, so you give him your deck of cards so that he can take your place. But a surprise awaits him, he soon finds out "the joke's on him"! This trick allows you to have a special interactivity moment with your audience. And it's very funny !  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    Almost all of what I recorded for DOUBLE FOND TV had never been filmed in French before, and some routines and techniques that may have been filmed in English in the past have benefited from new versions, subtleties and/or presentations for the platform. I've heard too many magicians regretting that I don't have videos in French of my creations. It's done now with DOUBLE FOND TV! And for the international magicians who have not necessarily acquired all my creations over the years, they will be able to find a quality selection on one and the same platform at a lower cost. In this video, I tell you everything!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    Every great artist has his truth... Before understanding the secret of his magic art, discover David Stone in this video presentation that will allow you to know more about him and his specialty.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    Learn magic without difficulty with Jean-Pierre Crispon! A great magic professional will reveal the secrets of the magic of the rooms! Simple tricks and techniques to quickly amaze your friens. More complex secrets for the most knowledgeable. A complete method. Clear and detailed explanations. Tips for presentation. Professional tips. "A perfect program to start, but not only that! Jean-Pierre has so much pedagogical experience that he knows how to make simple techniques that are considered complex." David Stone.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    A coin is borrowed and then enclosed in a square of paper. A magic pass and the magician folds the paper with the coin inside: the coin vanish! You are then free to make it reappear wherever you want!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    This category is for those who have never made balloon sculptures before. We recommend that you follow the videos in order, the first ones having for purpose to teach you the basic techniques, which are implemented in the sculptures described next. Most of these sculptures only require 260 balloons. If necessary, you will find explanatory videos of the techniques used in the dedicated section. You will be able to read the techniques used below the videos.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    A tissue paper is torn in the middle. A magic pass and hop! The tissue paper is restored. Magic! Fun and easy to do.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    In a few words, Dominique Duvivier explains his preference for spontaneity of the first takes and his choice of demonstrations done in the studio and without an audience. Share here with him his vision on the adventure of shooting his creations for the platform!  
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