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  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Larry Jennings demonstrates some Passes, which are a delight for the eyes as he executes them so perfectly! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A classic piece of card magic! After making them appear, the four Aces are clearly introduced in different parts of the deck. The cards are shuffled in all directions, face up and face down. First effect: the magician instantly forms four small piles, each with an Ace on its face! Second effect: the remaining cards are ribbon spread on the table... all the cards are now face down! Third effect: the piles containing the Aces on the face are spread out, revealing the four royal flushes! And fourth effect, the icing on the cake: the magician shows that the remaining cards are now separated into red cards on one side, and black cards on the other side! Success guaranteed! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Larry Jennings proposes to show us a paradox of time! He places four cards (without showing them) in four different pockets. He has a spectator name a four of a kind (for example the 5s), which he takes out of the deck, only to reintroduce them in very different places in the deck. He then takes out the four cards he had previously put in his pockets... these are the four 5s! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    An ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number) of madness, since the spectator does everything, and the magician doesn't touch the deck. Under these extreme conditions, the chosen card (Any Card) ends up at the chosen number (Any Number)! Success guaranteed! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The magician shows four half-dollars. The first two coins pass through his hand, one by one, and end up on the back of his hand, closed into a fist. The last two coins travel mysteriously from one hand to the other, joining the first two coins. To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    A very special Ace Assembly routine: instead of putting any three cards on top of each Ace, only one card is used in all: a Joker! Clean and so simple! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    In addition to the first Little Chinese Magician he acquired in the early 1970s, Dominique Duvivier shows us Eddy Taytelbaum wonderfully crafted Arrow Trick, which shows different directions.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    This routine is extremely easy to perform. It's perfect for beginners to get acquainted with the trick, to perform a routine almost immediately, and to get them excited about the more elaborate routines. To buy Close-up Linking Rings click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    It's an incredible Three Card Monte, as the 3 cards are each isolated in a holder, making sleight of hand impossible. And yet, the spectator always loses! To buy the trick click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Dominique Duvivier demonstrates a new Eddy Taytelbaum wonder (no explanation). Three small ivory-coloured discs are isolated in a box with three other small gold-coloured discs; the colors are well separated… and yet, in a fraction of a second, the colors mysteriously alternate!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The magic of sound! Four coins travel one by one through space to appear visually and... "audibly" in a glass!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Will you dare to enter the Dark Room? A great classic revisited by Dominique Duvivier: a Linking Rings close-up routine with safety pins, and a hell of a climax! To buy the trick click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The “Linking Rings”, with a single ring and a rope, which link and unlink... repeatedly. A real symphony of rope and ring! To buy: - some rope click here. - Close-up Linking Rings click here. - 20 cm Linking Rings click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Dominique Duvivier demonstrates a new Eddy Taytelbaum wonder (no explanation). In a small frame, we see a beaded pattern... which transforms to give the name of the card chosen beforehand. Another “Made in Taytelbaum” gem!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    Four pieces of bottle cork magically travel one by one through the table. A superb trick, ideal for the end of a meal!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    From a shuffled deck, a spectator first selects one card, then a series of three cards. The first card, the Leader card, is turned over... and it's the Ace of Spades. The other three cards are turned over... but they're three Kings! Never mind, the magician transforms the Ace of Spades into a King of Spades, but when he turns over the three kings, they are now Aces... and the King of Spades becomes an Ace of Spades! As a climax, the four Aces transform into Kings, and the Aces end up face-up in the middle of the deck! A maelstrom of effects that will leave your audience completely stunned! To buy a regular deck of cards click here.  
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