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  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    A card is freely chosen, then lost in the deck. The magician then produces the four Aces. Then, after a little "magic interlude" where the four Aces mysteriously switch place, a fifth card appears between them: it is of course the spectator's one!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    Macau, gambling hell! You will face a spectator in a frantic Poker game under the strictest conditions: only 10 cards are used, the spectator will designate FREELY each time which card is given to the magician, and which card he will get for himself. Despite these extreme conditions, not only will the magician win, but he shows that he has predicted both hands in advance! Success guaranteed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A card is chosen in a neat way. The magician finds the name of the chosen card in two steps: first its suit, then its value! After explaining Ramon Rioboo's original trick, Howard Hamburg shares with us the personal touch he put on this effect.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    An amazing impromptu trick! Two quite ordinary matches are used. One match is placed on top of the other in your hands, and it begins to hop around frantically without you making any moves! It is a real miracle that no spectator will be able to reproduce!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The freely chosen card turns mysteriously face up in the middle of the deck in a flash. A striking trick with a big impact!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A Tsunami of madness. A card is chosen under completely impossible conditions. And yet, the magician reveals the card with 100% success (which was not completely the case with the original Bob Farmer trick). Success guaranteed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    This is an idea that came to me when I was watching people getting fleeced at the fair : they were pulling strings, and winning what was at the other end ; they always won some crap, and never the big prizes ! Here, everything is under control... you can win the big prize or not, but all the strings used are there... each one is really attached to a gift. I spent quite a bit of time designing this little thing full of mystery. Very cool, and you can perform it again and again...  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    You will enjoy this very elegant and mystifying trick which uses a coin and a silk which, for the beauty of the trick, must be transparent. You drape the silk over the palm of your left hand and place the coin on it, closing your left hand for a few seconds. Magic formula: the coin is under the silk in your palm. You do it again but this time, the coin disappears completely: it is not under the silk! Your hands are empty and the silk can be examined.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A very original trick. The magician places a blue-backed card face down on the table, and takes out the 2 Jokers from a red-backed deck. The spectator chooses a card from the rest of the deck, and places a sticker that he has signed on the face of the card. The magician never touches the chosen card, it is held between the two Jokers, which are used as tweezers. The blue-backed card is a duplicate of the chosen card! And although this card has been freely chosen by the spectator, when all the other cards in the deck are shown, everyone can see that the deck is made up of Jokers only! Everything is handedout for examination.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    According to the legend, this trick mystified Dai Vernon, "The Professor", and subsequently devastated the magic elite! A card is chosen and lost under impossible conditions. No matter, it was not only predicted in advance by the magician, but he produced it in a mysterious way! An extraordinary trick that will give happiness to you... and to your audience!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    A version of the "Cannibals Cards" designed to really fool magicians. Two cards are chosen freely. They disappear one by one when introduced among the four Aces, which are presented as cannibal cards. Everything is clean at the end, the deck is handed out for examination. Impact guaranteed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    It's like the Inexhaustible Vase, but reduced to an everyday object, with many possibilities. It's a very visual running gag. You do a trick, you wipe your forehead with a sponge, and you wring it out in a bucket... the sponge is really full of liquid. You put the sponge back down, perform another trick, and take the sponge one more time to wipe your forehead. Bingo... it's full of water again. Finally, you can take the bucket full of all this water poured, and the liquid turns into confetti! Great if you're also doing a clown act. My dear James Hodges used it for one of his shows at the Maison de la Magie in Blois, France.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Dominique Duvivier's version of Brother John Hamman's trick. The four aces magically pass one by one through the table. The crazy climax: at the end of the trick, the four cards turn into Kings! Impact guaranteed!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    Tsunami : mot japonais qui signifie "raz de marée". C'est un tour qui va dévaster le cerveau de vos spectateurs, qu'ils soient aussi bien profanes que magiciens. Ce Tsunami a été montré à Dominique Duvivier par Brother John Hamman. Le tour est impromptu; une carte est choisie et perdue dans des conditions impossibles. Et pourtant, le magicien va la retrouver ! Un véritable miracle !  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Card Technique: This technique allows a card to be controlled while to the spectator, it is clearly buried in the middle of the deck. The deck is clean at the end of the technique: no break, the deck can be put down and squared on the table.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A spectacular and visual card revelation technique! You cut the deck with one hand and the card emerges from the middle in an impossible way to be produced with skill and elegance.  
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