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  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    How to win a bet in a fun way, with a playing card and a coin!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The magician gives a folded paper to the spectator: this is his prediction. He will invite the spectator to make an imaginary trip: the latter takes out of a purse various virtual (and therefore invisible!) coins from different countries of the world. He chooses the country of origin of each coin. Then he chooses one of them, and flips it. The prediction is then read: the magician has not only predicted which coin it is, but also if it fell on the heads or tails side! A completely impromptu trick... really crazy!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    Two metal cups are displayed. The magician magically makes one cup pass through the other. The illusion is stunning! This is a perfect introduction to your cups and balls routine.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    How to hold two coins on top of each other by the edge! A magical "incongruity"!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    It's a trick that goes back to the origins, I read it in the Dhotel book when I was a teenager. I just had the idea to adapt a less suspicious and more natural object, given the context. It is one of the rare olfactory illusions that I know. You mime, on a real gas camping stove, the making of an omelette with invisible products, using the usual utensils: spoon, whisk, bowls, etc… And progressively, you smell something like an omelette, coming from the pan which had been handed out for examination beforehand. And then finally, the little omelette is served on a plate! Really fun for everyone! To taste… without moderation!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Dominique Duvivier performs one of Eddy Taytelbaum wonders (no explanation). A small yellow die, trapped between two other dice inside a small chimney, disappears and reappears inside a small hat shown empty beforehand.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Olivier Bridard shares one of his first magical emotions, which his father, an amateur magician, gave him when he was 6/7 years old. A spoon, wrapped in a napkin, turns into a knife, and reappears under the napkin! The knife is in turn wrapped in the napkin, and it disappears... to reappear under the napkin! Finally, a large bottle is produced from under the napkin! The ideal trick at the end of a meal!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    An impossible and baffling revelation! A spectator randomly selects a jigsaw puzzle piece from a loose pile of pieces. The magician draws attention to a cloth that covers a completed puzzle on the table. He removes the cloth and shows that one piece of that puzzle is missing. Incredibly, the single puzzle piece the spectator selected is exactly the correct piece needed to complete the puzzle! This famous magic effect has been performed by many top professional magicians. This easy method brings the identical effect within your grasp, so you can delight and baffle your own audiences. To buy the trick click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    A freely chosen card,which is clearly "buried" in the deck... rises to the top after the spectator hits the deck with the palm of his hand, or with his fist: it is the "magic pass" he has chosen beforehand! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Dominique Duvivier demonstrates a new Eddy Taytelbaum wonder (no explanation). A little Chinese magician finds the card chosen by a spectator in a completely unpredictable way.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The spectator chooses a card under extreme laboratory conditions. The magician takes out of his wallet, which has been on the table from the beginning, all the bills that were in it: there are €85. On one of the bills, there is written in black felt pen the name of a card: it is the name of the card that has been chosen! To buy: - a Pocket Wallet click here. - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - single cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    This trick is one of Gaetan Bloom's favorite tricks to start his shows. The spectators take turns throwing an "invisible banana" into an empty paper bag held by the magician. You can hear the banana "land" in the bag. And of course, the banana becomes real... and in the end, it multiplies "infinitely"! Ideal in all circumstances: shows for adults or for children, table hopping... One of the rare visual and auditory illusions. To buy sponge bananas click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    I like to present the prop as an antique, bought from a magic shop. A tube containing 250 silks, which we count one by one... and we do! The tube is shown empty, and the silks are taken out; and the audience counts... and it goes on and on... and very quickly it becomes a real visual gag, quite incomprehensible... You have to see it to believe it! And with a big laugh at the end! - one “Phantom Tube” click here. - some 45x45 silks click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    In his personal version of the "Disunited Trios" trick, Olivier Bridard offers us a multi-phase routine where the three of a kind in Jack, Queen and King unite and disunite again and again ! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The Walker-through-Walls is a short story written by Marcel Aymé, about a man who could walk through walls. The story is illustrated here with playing cards. The Walker-through-Walls, represented by the Jack of Clubs, is enclosed between the two Jokers representing the walls. On several occasions, he walks through these walls, sometimes instantly, sometimes gradually! The effect is extremely visual. To buy some normal cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    This parlour/stage routine for all audiences (children and/or adults) will enable you to present a 15-minute magic sketch with a succession of effects following on from one another to form a coherent whole: card chosen, lost and found, prediction, torn and restored card, object in a balloon. A delight for your audience. To buy: - Red Jumbo decks click here. - Sculpting ballons click here.  
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