Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician displays a purse, opens it and takes out... another purse... which contains yet another purse! From this last purse, he takes out four Chinese coins, which he places in a row on the table. One of these coins is replaced in one of the purses (the other two have been put away); when he counts the coins on the table again, he has four of them! The process is repeated several times! The last time, he puts not one, but three coins in the purse... and despite this, he still has four and hands them out for examination!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician ties a knot on a rope. Miracle! A silk instantly appears in the middle of the rope, imprisoned by the knot! To buy: - some rope click here. - One silk click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"I love this trick, and all its wiliness. It's a dream you had the day before, about a young spectator who is chosen at random from the audience. For 5 minutes, he's going to become the world's greatest young magician, with all kinds of powers! In the end, he'll end up choosing a card in his head... which will be the one written all along on a large slate, covered by a veil, but in full view, all the time! There's as much comedy as a truly magical moment at the end. No electronics! A true « Bloomerie »...
Included In The Subscription "Addict"An exceptional new handling for the torn and restored card. A freely chosen card is signed, then torn into four pieces. All the pieces are fused together, one by one, in full view, until the card is completely restored. Everything can be handed out for examination, and the card is handed out as a souvenir. The trick is relatively easy to perform, and the restorations seem completely impossible. A true marvel. To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"The Tossed Out Deck is an extremely popular and possibly the best neo-classical plot in mentalism. For Luke Jermay, this trick is one of the best opening routines for a performance. He gives us here his own version of this wonderful effect! Several spectators peek at a card in laboratory conditions… nevertheless, the performer guesses all these cards! A real mystery!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"An encounter with a mentalist. Fabien Olicard shares with us his inspirations, his conceptions... everything that has led him to become one of the most successful mentalists of our time. Not to be missed under any circumstances!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Three silks placed one by one in newspaper cone knot up in the blink of an eye! At the end, the three knotted scarves are clearly visible, so you can open the newspaper completely and show both sides again! A truly stunning stage/parlour trick that's easy to perform! To buy a « Cone with Silks » click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Peter Din is a specialist in magic for kids. In this interview (in several parts), he answers the question: Why magic for kids? More than that, he explains the “how”, and his vision of this particular type of show. Peter Din uses this routine as an opener for his children's show. This allows him to establish the rules of the game for the rest of his performance: they are allowed to participate, in what ways, etc…
Included In The Subscription "Addict"The cards appear one by one at the magician's fingertips; the gestures are extremely slow; each time, he shows that his two hands are clearly empty. As a climax, he makes all four Aces appear simultaneously in a magically visual configuration! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A trick as poetic as it is spectacular , which takes place in two parts. In the second part, described here, a paper rose levitates in space, transforming itself into a real flower! This part follows on from the first (already described on this platform), where a paper ball wiggles magically in the air at the magician's command. The effect is mind-boggling! To buy : - some Invisible Thread click here. - some Magician Wax click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"This routine is extremely easy to perform. It's perfect for beginners to get acquainted with the trick, to perform a routine almost immediately, and to get them excited about the more elaborate routines. To buy Close-up Linking Rings click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone introduces his “Happy Lecture”, which you can watch on our streaming platform.
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"Here's the trailer for David Stone's “Happy Lecture” program. 2 hours of show + explanations Lecture + unreleased bonus Stone : LIVE show in Paris and at the Magic Circle
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"In the first part of the “Happy Lecture”, you can watch the performance part of the lecture; the tricks will be explained in subsequent videos. We suggest you go and look at the French video, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"Enter the wonderful world of this great magician. Tommy Wonder lectured at the Double Fond on March 24, 1997, which you can enjoy in eight parts. You will discover a fabulous artist, who will share with you extraordinary secrets.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"David Stone explains the following tricks: "Mirage", "Glass and Bottle Production", "Easy Splash" and “Card to Foot - Tool”. We suggest you go and look at the French video, as it's a different recording, even if the tricks are broadly the same. To buy: - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - the trick Splash Bottle 2.0 click here.