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Included In The Subscription "Passionate"
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"
To begin with, the magician proposes an experiment with playing cards that brings together all the main families of mentalism: - Telepathy: communication at a distance by thought, - Clairvoyance: knowledge of things by means other than the five senses, - Precognition: forecasting of future events that cannot be deduced from knowledge of the present (prediction), - Telekinesis: influence of the mind on matter. Then, after these disturbing experiences, he offers to reassure you with a classic Ace leader trick. To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.
To begin with, the magician proposes an experiment with playing cards that brings together all the main families of mentalism: - Telepathy: communication at a distance by thought, - Clairvoyance: knowledge of things by means other than the five senses, - Precognition: forecasting of future events that cannot be deduced from knowledge of the present (prediction), - Telekinesis: influence of the mind on matter. Then, after these disturbing experiences, he offers to reassure you with a classic Ace leader trick. To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.

Dominique Duvivier