Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician displays a “ Pickpocket”, a coin that has the exclusive property of being able to steal other coins one by one! To buy: - a Chinese Coin dollar size click here. - some regular half dollars click here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"Two banknotes of different denominations are used: one is placed inside the spectator's hand, and the magician holds the other at his fingertips. Despite these impossible conditions, the two bills magically change places! A true miracle!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"Mario Lopez invites us to share a day... full of magic! This day is offered to you at several times: 1- At breakfast! 2- In the bathroom 3- In the farmyard 4- In the kitchen 5- In the living room 6- With friends : A “Coins Across” routine... adapted for cigarettes! The cigarettes travel from the pack into one of the magician's hands, then from one hand to the other, and back into the pack.Superb! Superb!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Four coins travel one by one from the magician's hand into a glass held in his other hand. To buy some regular half dollars click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician displays three half-dollars and one Chinese coin. The latter is a particularly charismatic coin, not only because of its eye-catching appearance, but also because of its ability to draw the other coins towards it! To buy: - a Chinese Coin dollar size click here. - some regular half dollars click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"One of the favorite themes of magicians. You put four coins under four cards arranged in the four corners of your magician's mat. In a totally incomprehensible way, the coins gather together one by one in one of the corners. It's wonderful! To buy: - a regular deck of cards click here. - some half dollars click here. A voir aussi : - a close-up mat click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Three ropes of different length change size, and become identical... then return to their original size. Everything can be examined at the beginning and at the end. This is one of the greatest classics of magic. You can perform the trick in all conditions: close-up, parlour and stage. Success guaranteed! You can buy some ropes in our magic store Mayette:
Included In The Subscription "Addict"Dominique Duvivier invites you to play a rather unusual "Three Card Monte". He displays four cards, an Ace of Diamonds and three blank cards. The Ace is the winning card, but it's not where it's supposed to be, and in the end we clearly have the opposite, i.e. three Aces of Diamonds and just one blank card! To buy a regular cards per unit click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A card is chosen by a spectator and placed on the table. However, the card disappears and travels in the deck, without any contact!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A card chosen by a spectator begins to travel through the deck and completely metamorphoses…
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"You probably know the "Chicago opener". Here is a new version that goes even further! You have a deck of cards with red backs and a single card with blue backs. One card is freely chosen. Unbelievable, but true: it is THE blue-backed card! Then the deck changes: all the backs have turned blue! Finally another card is chosen and it too changes back several times. Don't miss this routine that will fascinate you and the audience. A real marvel!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"A magical adventure awaits you with decks of all colors, advertising cards and a thought card.... It's strong, VERY strong. We love this routine in the team!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The ultimate trip! A chosen card mysteriously teleports itself from your hand to the deck of cards that never left the table...
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A must in your repertoire! A card is freely chosen and then lost in the deck. Four cards are shown, with the chosen card being among them. Magically the card disappears from the small packet of four cards, and finally ends up face up in the middle of your face down deck. It's crazy!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Are you a fan of the magic of coins? You will enjoy it! You will be in the expert hands of Jean-Pierre Crispon, a master of coin magic, who will reveal for the first time a new coin outfit inspired by the Empalmage Sanada, named for the occasion: "L'empalmage Sanada-JP". Here is the effect: silver coins travel from your pocket to your hand, then finally turn into three big CHINESE coins! You will discover here the improved version of the first trick Jean-Pierre learned. Perfect for new coin lovers and always a delight for long-time coin enthusiasts! Two secret tricks are revealed here: Gary Kurtz's " Useful Vertical Change ", which only a few initiates know, because this technique has remained secret for a long time. It's a real optical baffling! Then the famous " Empalmage Sanada-JP ", which is no longer presented. Finally if we still present it, since it is the FIRST TIME that Jean-Pierre shows it, we tell you! You will finally be able to achieve effects known to be complicated without too much effort, for example hiding several corners while having your fingers spread out and relaxed. A magician's dream! To your coins!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"An incomprehensible card "sandwich" effect that goes crescendo! A chosen card by the spectator is miraculously between two red kings. Twice ! Fast, efficient and very bluffing!