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  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    In a normal deck, two cards are freely chosen, one in the first half of the deck and one in the second half. Before you can say "phew", you'll notice that the two chosen cards have changed packet! An instantaneous transposition, very flash and punchy! Then a third card is chosen and lost... and this new card ends up between the two cards chosen at the beginning! An unusual card sandwich effect.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    More than impossible: inconceivable. Look at this approach, you'll like it.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    To prove to the public that this gathering of aces really happens, the magician does the same thing three times... And each time it's even crazier!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    A three-card monte with four cards that reserves you a final more than surprising ...  
  • Included In The Subscription "Beginner"  
    For young and old alike, this routine is very ingenious, easy and extremely punchy. A cork stopper cut in four is placed at the four corners of the magician's mat. A piece of cork is covered with a napkin and this same piece disappears to join a new corner... Little by little, all the corks gather in the same corner of the mat!  
0:00/ 0:00
Slow Fast
  • 0.5
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  • 0.9
  • 1
  • 1.1
  • 1.2
  • 1.3
  • 1.4
  • 1.5