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Click on one of the following sub-categories or choose a video from the catalog below

  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    PATEO Force (Pick Any Two, Eliminate One) is a method of forcing a particular object from a set of objects created by Roy Baker. It involves the spectator and magician in a rotating selecting and elimination process, leaving only one object from an unlimited number of objects.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    The magician opens a small envelope and shows that there is a card inside: it is his prediction card. The envelope is closed and left in full view. A card is freely chosen, and is lost in the deck. The magician takes the envelope again, and the prediction card magically goes through the envelope! The envelope is opened, it is now empty! The card is turned over, it is the card that has been freely chosen before, and is no longer in the deck!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    Enter the wonderful world of this expert and great magician. Patrick Page lectured at the Double Fond on February 13, 2000, which you can enjoy in eight parts. You will discover a fabulous artist, who will share with you extraordinary secrets.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Pairs of cards are assembled according to the instructions of different members of the audience. The audience's options and choices are completely free. Despite these crazy conditions, the two cards making up each pair turn out to be identical! The trick was shot live at the Double Fond.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    Any Card At Any Number (ACAAN): The freely chosen card ends up at the number designated by the spectator. A killer version of David Berglas' mythical effect!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    This routine is another approach to the basic "The deck that remembers" routine: Your audience will experience a collective hypnosis exercise... that will go further and further! Three spectators will experience an extraordinary event... but what could be more normal, since they are under the hypnotic influence of the magician!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    The mentalist asks a spectator to project his thoughts into the magician's head. The experiment takes place in three steps: first he guesses the letter that the spectator "sends" him, then a two digit number, and finally the card he has chosen. And the icing on the cake is that the magician shows that the card was predicted in advance! A very personal application of Viktor Vincent's double reality principle.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    The spectator determines five cards under extreme laboratory conditions, after shuffling the cards by himself. He adds up the values of the cards. For example, if he has a 10, a 6, a 3, a 5 and an 8, the total is 32. However, the magician had emptied his pockets at the beginning of the trick, and had therefore placed some coins aside on the table. We add up the values of the coins, there are 32 cents... the same total as for the cards!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    An impossible and baffling revelation! A spectator randomly selects a jigsaw puzzle piece from a loose pile of pieces. The magician draws attention to a cloth that covers a completed puzzle on the table. He removes the cloth and shows that one piece of that puzzle is missing. Incredibly, the single puzzle piece the spectator selected is exactly the correct piece needed to complete the puzzle! This famous magic effect has been performed by many top professional magicians. This easy method brings the identical effect within your grasp, so you can delight and baffle your own audiences. To buy the trick click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Two cards are chosen, and lost in the deck. The cards are clearly shuffled, half face up, half face down. A magic pass... and all the cards turn face down, except the two chosen cards! The climax is unexpected: all the other cards, except the two chosen ones, are now blank! Success guaranteed! To buy the trick “Triumph Kicker)” click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The spectator chooses a card under extreme laboratory conditions. The magician takes out of his wallet, which has been on the table from the beginning, all the bills that were in it: there are €85. On one of the bills, there is written in black felt pen the name of a card: it is the name of the card that has been chosen! To buy: - a Pocket Wallet click here. - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - single cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A " Tsunami " of madness! Tsunami is a Japanese word that means "tidal wave". It is a trick that will devastate the brains of your audience, whether they are laymen or magicians. The spectator chooses a card, and loses it. He shuffles and cuts the deck a lot of times; the magician does not touch the cards. Despite these extreme laboratory conditions, the magician finds the chosen card without asking any questions! A real killer. To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The "Memorized Deck" is one of the most powerful weapons in card magic. You will discover the basics of mnemonics, which form a necessary entry to learn a memorized deck, the latter allowing you to perform fabulous card magic and mentalism effects with cards. To buy : - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - The book in French « Claude Rix et ses 52 Partenaires » click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    A blank card lays on the table at the beginning of the trick. The deck is displayed, and shuffled by taking half the cards face up, the other half face down. The spectator freely chooses one of the face-down cards. A magic pass, and the deck is spread out on the table: all the cards are now face up, except for one which is face down: it's the chosen card! The blank card is turned face up: it's the same card as the chosen one! New magic pass: all the backs of the cards of the deck are now blank! Success guaranteed! To buy: - a blank backed deck click here. - only one card normal red click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The magician shows the 8 of Spades, and puts it down on the table: it's the card that finds selected cards! Three cards are chosen, and are clearly lost in the deck. Thanks to the 8 of Spades, the magician will find the three chosen cards in an unusual and astonishing way! To buy: - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - only one ordinary card click here.  
  • 12
    Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    The magician shows two decks of cards in their cases: one red and one blue. The blue deck is taken out, the cards are shuffled, a card is chosen and lost in the deck by a spectator in extreme laboratory conditions. The red case is opened, it contains only a piece of paper folded in four, which is unfolded: it has "12" written on it. The spectator counts the cards from the top of the deck: the 12th card is his! To buy: - a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here. - one “Tool” click here.  
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