Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A feat in which the magician finds a chosen card in a spectacular fashion while blindfolded from beginning to end! An effect that fooled many experts at the FFFF Convention.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Here's Beatles Nervous Breakdown live excerpt from a show by Dominique Duvivier played at Double Fond. Enjoy what you see and if you want to know more you will find this trick elsewhere on the platform in studio version with the explanation and the possibility to buy everything you need for the trick. The perfect mental and small packet trick! Dominique presents a small package, in which there is a card with one of the four Beatles on one side and the four kings on the other. He then asks the spectator to think of one of the four kings. Freely, without forcing of any kind, the chosen king will be the ONLY king face up among the cards face down. Then he shows the other cards that are supposed to be the other kings, but not at all: they are the other three Beatles! The effect is devastating!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"The perfect little packet trick! Based on Dominique Duvivier's famous creation "Nervous Breakdown", this version, with cards representing the four Beatles, will never leave your pocket! Let me tell you more about it: you have a small plastic wallet with a card representing one of the four Beatles on one side and the four kings on the other. You then ask the spectator to think of one of the four kings. Freely, without forcing of any kind, the chosen king will be the ONLY king face up among the cards face down. Then you show the other cards that are supposed to be the other kings, but not at all: it's the other three Beatles! Without any manipulation or forcing, your spectator could REALLY think of the king of his choice and you had it all figured out! The effect is devastating and the trick is very easy to do! In short, a must-have! You can buy this product in our secret shop, to which only "I'm addicted to magic" subscribers have access.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"As a passionate magic fan, have you been longing for a new "Bloomerie"? Here's your reward for waiting! Gaëtan offers you here the pocket version of a theatrical card trick called "Attaboy", invented by Jack Hugues. In this trick, there was a kind of little cardboard bellboy who held a box in his hands and had another one at his feet. The magician would put all the cards in the bottom box and then put them, one by one, in the top box. When the spectator said "stop", the card on which the magician stopped would match the prediction. Thanks to the creative genius of Gaëtan Bloom, there is no more need for this very clever but very bulky device! It's brilliant, we love it! We are always fascinated by Gaëtan's universe and it's a great honor to be able to share his knowledge with you. Have a great time!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"Since I was a child, I've been hearing about the "Three Packet of Seven" trick. But why not the opposite? After all, yes! Here we go!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"It's a tool more than a trick, and it has had many versions. It is also a principle that will allow you to do many differently themed presentations. Specially designed for stage or parlour magic, with normal and contemporary objects... a notepad and a marker... To be passed around, because there's nothing to see... except success, at the end
Included In The Subscription "Addict"After " The 3 bets, based on Bob Farmer " and " The 3 bets Bob Farmer Duvivier ++ (already broadcasted on our streaming platform), a new variation of the "3 bets"... without any bet! A crazy Tsunami. A card is chosen in absolute laboratory conditions. And yet, the magician finds the card with 100% success. Success guaranteed To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click on the following link: https://mayette.com/en/cartes/850-jeu-bicycle-rider-rouge-standard
Included In The Subscription "Beginner"A book test with a regular book. And the icing on the cake is that you can guess the card that was chosen by the spectator, and that allowed him to choose the page of the book! A book test with the "Bloom Touch"! This trick is extracted from the DVD " School of Objects - Vol 2 " that you can buy in click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"More than impossible: inconceivable. Look at this approach, you'll like it.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"It's one of my signature tricks, ever since its creation. After I performed it in a lecture for Michael Close when it was first created, he said to me: "When I saw the trick, I thought either this is going to be a big mistake at the end, or I'm going to get a big headache!” And he kindly admitted to me that he got a big headache... One of those tricks where the explanation is almost more beautiful than the effect... 5 minutes of happiness, where everything or almost everything is self-working, with a huge amount of public participation. Really a killer.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The "Bloom Touch" version of this classic close-up trick. A card is chosen, torn up by a spectator, who keeps a piece of it. The other pieces are placed in the magician's pocket. A coin is borrowed, signed by another spectator, and placed in the magician's pocket. The magician then takes out of his pocket two wooden plates linked by rubber bands. The spectator removes the rubber bands and between the two plates, the spectator's card is found, which has been restored; but a piece is missing... which corresponds exactly to the one the spectator had kept. The climax is crazy: the spectator feels that there is something inside the card: he tears it up, and in its "entrails" there is... the signed coin! A real miracle. To buy an “Intercessor” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"A new "killer" version on the theme of "Nervous Breakdown". The magician ribbon spreads a red-backed deck face down on the table. A spectator FREELY chooses one of the cards, which is set aside. Then a second spectator FREELY THINKS about a card, which is taken from a blue-backed deck. The red card is turned over: it is the card thought of by the second spectator! Success guaranteed! To buy: - a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here. - a bicolor double back card click here. - some “Repositionable Adhesive Dots” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician shows that he has one red-backed card in a blue-backed deck. He explains that he can influence the spectator's thinking without the spectator being aware of it! The spectator chooses a card COMPLETELY FREELY from the 52 cards in the deck. The red card is then turned over: it is the same one! Success guaranteed! To buy: - a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here. - a bicolor double back card click here. - some “Repositionable Adhesive Dots” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"It is a marvel of a trick, ideal for parlour or stage conditions, and permitting to create a real pandemonium, very playful and with a tremendous end... Beyond the trick, you will see that it is really the play that you set up with the spectators that brings the magic... It is by seeing my so dear Ali Bongo using cardboard plates (for a completely different trick) that I came to this idea... Sure that you will not be disappointed!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"The magician shows a blue deck and sets it aside : this is the prediction deck. He now displays a red deck, shows that the cards are all different, and a spectator FREELY choose one card. He then takes the blue deck out of its case, and ribbon spreads it on the table: there is a red-backed card among the blue-backed cards... and that card is the same as the chosen card ! Success guaranteed ! To buy “Regular Bicycle Rider Decks” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician gives a folded paper to the spectator: this is his prediction. He will invite the spectator to make an imaginary trip: the latter takes out of a purse various virtual (and therefore invisible!) coins from different countries of the world. He chooses the country of origin of each coin. Then he chooses one of them, and flips it. The prediction is then read: the magician has not only predicted which coin it is, but also if it fell on the heads or tails side! A completely impromptu trick... really crazy!