And other families
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The 2022 version of the "The Shpoo Prophecy" that Dominique Duvivier created in the 1990s. The "The Shpoo Prophecy" was described in the book "Magie Duvivier" edited by Richard Kaufman in 1996, written by Jon Racherbaumer, and illustrated by Ton Onosaka. A maelstrom of effects that ends with a deck with different backs. To buy the trick “Colors” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The magician shows four 5 of Hearts with "Golden Nugget" backs. A fifth 5 of Hearts appears, but it is a red-backed "Jerry's Nugget" card. We end up with one Jerry's Nugget card, and five Golden Nugget cards! In the end, we show that the "Jerry's Nugget" 5 of Hearts is indeed an odd card, since the other cards are now "Golden Nugget" on both sides, as they have turned into jokers!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The deck is shown face up to the spectators: it is well shuffled. A card is chosen, and lost in the deck by the spectator under maximum laboratory conditions! Despite these ultimate conditions, the magician will reveal the card! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"Does "Anniversary Waltz" sound familiar? You know: you have two cards chosen and signed, then the cards fuse together back to back. Well, here the ending is the same. Except that at the beginning one card is FREELY named and the other is chosen from a virtual deck. Another original application of the double faced card. To buy a “Double Faced Deck” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"This video is a live demonstration of this trick that has already been published on Double Fond TV. From a previously shuffled deck, the magician finds the Aces, one by one, in the order he wants! This version was invented by Dominique Duvivier after Fernando Kheops showed him the effect without explaining it to him. For those who would linger on the explanation... yes, yes! It is encouraged! ... They will discover, to their great astonishment, that there is not really any trickery! Crazy, right? We let you judge...
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"A rubber band travels twice inside a card case: magical, subtle and to top it all off a completely unexpected ending. To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click on the following link: To buy some “Rubber Bands” click on the following link:
Included In The Subscription "Addict"Two cards are chosen, lost in the deck. They mysteriously turn over one by one in the deck. Then they disappear... and reappear while they are lying on the table! Success guaranteed! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck”. click here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"I loved the clear change bag that Jeff Busby sold, but it was quite fragile. I've adapted a lot of things, with this box, which by its simple design, allows you to do a lot of tricks. In particular, there is an instant memory routine, made really foolproof by the box... other easier routines are also baffling. And it's so funny to shuffle the cards by shaking the box! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"The deck is shuffled, four spectators each freely indicate a card in the deck; these cards are isolated in a wallet. The magician shows a prediction, which is signed by a spectator, and puts it in the wallet together with the four chosen cards. The spectator opens the wallet himself, takes out the cards and the prediction, and sees that everything matches! And the icing on the cake, the magician shows that it couldn't have been any other way, since all the other cards in the deck are identical! A great miracle! To buy a “Set of 52 Identical cards”, click here. To buy a “Super Magnetic Himber Wallet by Alan Wong”, click here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"One of Dominique Duvivier's "signature" tricks. Created in the 70's, it is still part of his repertoire today! An ultimate killer!
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"“The Drink" is one of the tricks that has always fascinated Dominique Duvivier because for him, magic with liquids is very powerful magic, very strong; it is also an excellent mentalism effect. He has created multiple versions of this effect, and here he gives you three different variations. You can buy "Shot Glass", the commercialized version of "The Drink", by clicking here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"You count ten cards one by one by throwing them loosely onto the table to your left. You repeat the action, this time to your right. Miracle! Two cards are magically and invisibly teleported from one packet to the other! The "teleportation" is absolutely clean! Success guaranteed! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.
Included In The Subscription "Addict"You are going to make your spectators experience a special adventure, a mix of all kinds with several types of effects. A prediction deck (red back) is shuffled. Four cards are chosen from a second deck (blue back) under crazy conditions by four different spectators, while the magician's back is turned. These cards are lost in the deck under equally clear conditions. The magician, "to warm up", starts by finding the four Aces in the blue deck. The cards in the prediction deck are now counted: there are only 48. The four missing cards are the chosen cards, and have mysteriously traveled into the blue deck! And to top it all off, the four Aces from the red deck travel one by one into the magician’s four pockets.! At the end of this routine, both decks are handed out for examination.
Included In The Subscription "Passionate"The spectator chooses a card, which is lost in the deck. A magic pass, and a card mysteriously turns up face up in the center of the deck; but against all odds, it is not the one chosen by the spectator: it is the 5 of Hearts. The magician then counts the cards from the 5, and the fifth one turns out to be... the chosen card. A completely automatic trick, but devilishly effective!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"The magician takes the two black kings out of the deck and puts them face up aside on the table. Then he asks a spectator to name any card from the deck, except the two black kings, of course; the choice is completely free. Incredibly, the thought of card is no longer in the deck, it is sandwiched face down between the two face up black kings! A real miracle!
Included In The Subscription "Addict"An impromptu card trick, quick, easy to do, but still baffling! Several variations of this classic trick are explained on this platform. This is Marlo/Dominique Duvivier’s version. To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.