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  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    Thanks to this move you will have in your bag of techniques another possibility to control a chosen card, while you give the illusion of losing it in the deck by squaring it from all sides! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The spectator chooses a card under extreme laboratory conditions. The magician takes out of his wallet, which has been on the table from the beginning, all the bills that were in it: there are €85. On one of the bills, there is written in black felt pen the name of a card: it is the name of the card that has been chosen! To buy: - a Pocket Wallet click here. - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - single cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The "Memorized Deck" is one of the most powerful weapons in card magic. You will discover the basics of mnemonics, which form a necessary entry to learn a memorized deck, the latter allowing you to perform fabulous card magic and mentalism effects with cards. To buy : - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - The book in French « Claude Rix et ses 52 Partenaires » click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The four kings are set aside. A chosen card (for example, the 5 of Hearts), placed among the four kings, changes into one of the kings: the King of Spades. Then all the cards in the packet become identical: they are all Kings of Spades. In the end, the magician ends up with only one King of Spades... and the other four cards turn into a four fives! Success guaranteed!To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    In his personal version of the "Disunited Trios" trick, Olivier Bridard offers us a multi-phase routine where the three of a kind in Jack, Queen and King unite and disunite again and again ! To buy an ordinary deck of cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The Walker-through-Walls is a short story written by Marcel Aymé, about a man who could walk through walls. The story is illustrated here with playing cards. The Walker-through-Walls, represented by the Jack of Clubs, is enclosed between the two Jokers representing the walls. On several occasions, he walks through these walls, sometimes instantly, sometimes gradually! The effect is extremely visual. To buy some normal cards click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    The magician shows the 8 of Spades, and puts it down on the table: it's the card that finds selected cards! Three cards are chosen, and are clearly lost in the deck. Thanks to the 8 of Spades, the magician will find the three chosen cards in an unusual and astonishing way! To buy: - an ordinary deck of cards click here. - only one ordinary card click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    From a deck, the magician takes out the four aces. A succession of breathtaking effects then occurs: - The aces are separated by color: two red, two black. The aces change position! - They turn into kings! - The aces reappear, then the packets of kings and aces are transposed. - After some card travels, the four queens appear, then the four jacks. - Finally, the deck splits into two separate packets: the red cards are on one side, and the black cards on the other! A crazy routine! A guaranteed success! To buy a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here.  
  • 12
    Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    The magician shows two decks of cards in their cases: one red and one blue. The blue deck is taken out, the cards are shuffled, a card is chosen and lost in the deck by a spectator in extreme laboratory conditions. The red case is opened, it contains only a piece of paper folded in four, which is unfolded: it has "12" written on it. The spectator counts the cards from the top of the deck: the 12th card is his! To buy: - a “Regular Bicycle Rider Deck” click here. - one “Tool” click here.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    A very different prediction effect! Cards are rolled, up like little tubes and placed into a bottle... You shake the bottle to shuffle them well, then you have a number freely chosen. The cards are then taken out of the bottle one by one until you get to the chosen number and the card matches your prediction! Only one card comes out, no duplicate and an intriguing object: this magic bottle can rest on a shelf in the living room for example, ready to use. You'll tell me about it!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    An easy to master technique that will allow you to move a card to the top of the deck when it is underneath. This technique is one of the basics you must know to evolve in card magic!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    A feat in which the magician finds a chosen card in a spectacular fashion while blindfolded from beginning to end! An effect that fooled many experts at the FFFF Convention.  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    Something to have at your fingertips! This technique of Arturo Di Ascanio is an indispensable part of the magician's knowledge. Here is the principle: you show four red cards and, when you want, you can make a black card appear!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Addict"  
    Since I was a child, I've been hearing about the "Three Packet of Seven" trick. But why not the opposite? After all, yes! Here we go!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    At the beginning, this flourish by Marlo was only used to turn over a card magically and aesthetically. Dominique Duvivier adapted this move to secretly turn over a Himber Wallet. Very very useful and the applications are multiple!  
  • Included In The Subscription "Passionate"  
    This technique allows an incredible number of applications. Please note that this has nothing to do with the Cop Move. It's even better!  
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